Our stainless steel swivels are made to last. The construction of this product allows for years of use without binding or product failure. The swivel can easily be cleaned and brought back to like new operation when needed since all of the internal components are also stainless steel. Both sides of our swivel design spin as to avoid any binding or swivel failure while the glass worker is in their most important process or moment of work.
This larger diameter is great for bench working applications as well as lathe applications where larger scale hollow work is being made. By using a larger swivel, the glass worker will not experience the back pressure issues sometimes caused by using a smaller diameter swivel while working on bigger pieces.
Our design on the 3/8″ 90° Swivel W/Lathe Mounting Bracket, has two small threaded holes on one side along with a small bracket and extendable post. This allows easy mounting of the swivel mounted to the tool bar that most lathe workers extend off the head stock of the lathe. By offering this additional bracket, the swivel can be mounted firmly, accurately, and perfectly in line with the center of the head stock. That’s right lathe workers, we have put an end to the swivel not mounting exactly where you would like and of course no more binding of the blow hose while you’re working.
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